Lyrics to the James Bond Theme
He’ll ski on your lunch, what a prick. Link to Video on YouTube
Updated Text Lingo
DLOD: Doing lots of drugs SBBQ: Sex Barbecue OMGB: Old man gangbang PSMD: Parents suck mad dick NMH: Need more heroin PMC: Prolapsing my colon LKAB: Let’s kill a bum MHIO: My hole is open
I have heard..
..that you touch on average about 12 dicks per day that shared contact with unwashed hands and door handles. That is what I thought about when I saw this post.
Lonely Sandwich
Expanding your vocabulary via Urban Dictionary.
New New guy at work said: “Yeah, I got Flash installed on my Mac I am going to get around to learning how to use it soon.” Me: “Well, now that would just be a giant waste of your time, right?” NNG: (polite laugh) NNG (inside his head): “Oh, yeah right I probably shouldn’t bragged…
That cake is just all kinds of AWESOME! I drew that logo so many times on folders, papers, notebooks in High School. Why the fuck did I never think to make a cake? As stoned as I was during High School listening to SLAYER cake would have been good munchies. Yes, SLAYER is one of…
A Nazi or Not a Nazi?
There is nothing about this blog post that is not totally awesome. Except for the fucking smily which I removed. Banging A Brand New Hot Tattooed Emo Slut: So yeah… again… don’t mean slut in a bad way, Nothing wrong with being a slut if that is how you roll then do the damn thing…