Coach Jules
Thanks to my first GF Betsy for sending me this. Hockey fan or not, great video -AFB
1st hjays Poetry Contest
Yes, you read that correctly hjays is having a poetry contest for Valentine’s Day. Well it is kind of in the spirit of one of my more popular posts back in March ’07. This year I am hoping to get a LOT more submissions. Unlike a wonderful poem submitted by AFB last year contributers will…
Sunday Morning Updates
This was in my email this morning from Chuck (check out the old mohawk pic). I have been getting a lot of quality YouTube stuff sent to me lately, and no I do not post all of it. Just the good stuff. Dad sends me a lot of forwards that just get shuffled to the…
you SUCK at Photoshop
Yes this is installment #5. I have been watching these all year. Being a Photoshop professional these appeal very highly to me. Most of you my wonderful readers don’t know much about PS, and I didn’t post these earlier because I didn’t think it would be as funny to you. Well fuck it!! These video…
Fuj Attracts Gay Men
I have recently received some activity on one of my older folders taken on Sasquatch’s wedding day. Apparently the Fuj Jerks Off An Elephant pic is very popular with gay men. Last week was added 2 more times as a favorite. In addition it had already been viewed 2,236 times along with a complimantary comment…
Bitter Pats Fan
This is some great stuff… Just listening to this guy for more than 10 seconds makes you happy that the Patriots LOST. –AFB
links for 2008-02-07
Better YouTube Firefox Extension Updated with New Features [Lifehacker Code Update] Oh hell yes, this sounds like a good one to try out! (tags: Videos YouTube lifehacks FireFox extension) Star Wars: Gaming | Vanity Fair on The Force Unleashed There is a lot of talk about the 360 & PS3 versions of this, but there…
American Gladiators without Malibu?
Wow this guy is a space cadet. The new Gladiators just don’t seem to shine for me like the old ones did. Malibu was always a favorite, but the never gave him a lot of interviews? In contrast Nitro was always taking the shit so seriously. There was an interesting article in the latest issue…
Marijuana Vending Machines
I absolutely cannot believe you can go buy your weed from a vending machine. link When I was first informed about this I absolutely did not believe it. I was sure that they were just yanking my chain. Of course I demanded to see the link to back up their claim and here it is.…