Good Morning Omelet
Always had trouble pulling off the omelet. Teflon pan, that is the key like I was always told. Also I finally started playing with the Quicksilver Image Scale Feature this thing works REALLY slick. You can now look forward to a lot more photo posts here thanks to this.
A Weeks Worth of LINKS
So work was really slow this week. This gives me a lot of time to read my feeds and bookmark stuff on del.icio.us. Hope people will find some of these useful. Hack Attack: Remote control your torrents with uTorrent’s WebUI This is excellent!! I switched to uTorrent from Azureus some time ago and have never…
DIE FuckTard DIE
My brother was so proud to see that I linked the Shoes BITCH video that he recommended that he sent another one. This one is not nearly as good. Quite frankly I hope this fucktard dies soon before he is able to breed or influence more fucktard kids to be like him. **sorry for the…
I absolutely can’t believe they (link) are letting me do this? Well they said unlimited uploads so that is what I am doing right now. I grabbed their desktop uploader (works with iTunes only) and am currently uploading my 29.11 GB (local only) library. Granted I let it run all night and I have only…
Steal Download Music From Any Shared iTunes Library with OurTunes
If you are like me and work at a place where most people share their iTunes Library on the LAN you will immediately see the appeal of this. I for one am going to take this to work on Monday and rape all of the Libs of unsuspecting co-workers. Enjoy & happy hunting. Featured Download:…
OK well Shelly just sent me this, fair warning she called it the sequel to 2girls1cup. Like actual movie sequels they did there best to 1up the original. Enjoy if you dare…link **note the Sasquatch is a little squeamish and was considerably pissed after being sent the 1st one under false pretenses. So the big…
Get Some Shoes BITCH
You gives a shit about the writers strike when you can find quality content like this on YouTube? Thanks to my brother for the recommendation. Apparently his roommates turned him onto this and I can only image that they are walking around his place saying “lets get some shoes bitch”.
Board at Work – links for 2008-01-03
The Iowa Rules | The Trail | washingtonpost.com Wake Up & Smell the Caucus (tags: politics Iowa caucus news vote) Macworld | Mac OS X Hints | Add more power to 10.5’s screen sharing I like it, and I wanna use it, now it is bookmarked here so I can find it again. (tags: apple…
bagel to go
bagel to go Originally uploaded by pwka This is the best use for all those empty CDR cases I have ever seen.