You should read The Nate Way
I have been reading Points In Case for quite a while now. Since I am constantly subscribing to different blogs and have no ware near the time to read them all the cream seems to rise to the top. One of my favorites is always the Nathan DeGraaf blog on PIC.com. I highly recommend checking…
The poor grooms bride is a whore
So I was listening to Panic! At the Disco (1) this morning while making breakfast with the shorty. Track 10 – I Write Sins Not Tragedies came on. After listening to the first verse she goes “uDaMan should hear this song”. Kids can be so cute sometimes when they are unintentionally evil. Here is a…
Firefly Reborn as Online Universe
I really miss this series, and I miss my fucking Firefox DVDs that uDaMan borrowed and never returned. Shit bitch WTF? Source Wired News
Burger King Tard
Ding Fries Are Done! AKA The Burger King Tard Link I know this is an old one, but it seems to be coming up a lot lately. Personally I am surprised how many people out there haven’t seen this yet. For me it never gets old.
Male Orgasm without the Mess
Story on Wired Here Read the post, but don’t stop there the comments are the best. I think that most guys agree that this product is never gonna sell. This will put an end to my whole “You can shoot her eye out” campaign.
“I like to eat. Vagina, lasagna, whatever”
That’s right ladies and gentlemen Ron “the Hedgehog” Jeremy has written a book. I know I for one will be adding Ron Jeremy: The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz to my Christmas list. Even if I won’t get it until February the idea of having a pre-purchase notice for a book about the “top porn…
My whores are only a 3rd
I got linked to this article the other day. It is about the negatives of actually dating and or being a sex addict. The key thing that I wanted to point out is the monster number this chick put up in 8 years. I wanted to draw attention to the Hypothetical Dick Math Post. At…
White Castle Sliders Receipt
White Castle Hamburgers – Sliders 2 lb Lean Ground Beef 1/4 c Dry Minced Onion 1/4 c Hot Water 3 oz Jar Strained Beef Baby Food 2/3 c Clear Beef Broth 1 pk Hot Dog Buns Soak 1/4 cup dry minced onions in 1/4 cup hot water until soft while you mix 2 pounds ground…
Generating Comments
Insanely close up high rez. shots of female body parts! Come on now people! If this doesn’t generate at least some comments I’ll be damned if I know what will. I have seen really high rez pics of the female body before. Ones where you can see all the “golden hairs” as these photographers like…
Late Thanksgiving Post
There is a damn good reason that this post is 2 days late. I was completely useless on the actual holiday after drinking my Aunts moonshine wine, consuming multiple beers, champaign, and finally scotch. Not to mention the huge goddamn plate of food. Mom really does put out the best spread. Of the reviews from…