There is a damn good reason that this post is 2 days late. I was completely useless on the actual holiday after drinking my Aunts moonshine wine, consuming multiple beers, champaign, and finally scotch. Not to mention the huge goddamn plate of food. Mom really does put out the best spread. Of the reviews from 2 of the attendees who had to attend multiple dinners they both agreed that Mom had the superior spread. My ass barley left the couch yesterday and I made up for the pie I didn’t get around to eating on Thursday. Mom makes several kinds.
That being said I always end up feeling a little closer to my family after we spend this time together. Even encountering the pregnoid wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. She didn’t yell at me or try to eat my face. She was actually quite pleasant? Could I have been wrong about this strange group all along? One positive experience is not enough for me to concede my original views. They also still scare the living shit out of me.
Any way to get to t he goddamn point I wanted to bring attention to a forum post that I have been updating pretty regularly. The forums are still ugly as hell and I do not think anyone is reading them but I am getting some content posted. Mostly in the section entitled “email forwards from dad”. He really like so send these and it is very easy to just throw them into this thread. I am not discriminating, no matter how stupid or old they are they are still getting posted here.