I have been reading Points In Case for quite a while now. Since I am constantly subscribing to different blogs and have no ware near the time to read them all the cream seems to rise to the top. One of my favorites is always the Nathan DeGraaf blog on PIC.com. I highly recommend checking it out. Just do a search for DeGraaf on my del.icio.us account and you will get a list of some of my favorite posts. Seriously sometimes you get gems like this:
“How come when you bring beer to one of your friend’s parties, it’s considered polite; but when you bring beer to one of your friend’s toddler’s birthday parties, it’s considered “raging alcoholic”? Just seems unfair.”
“My buddy Dave has figured out an awesome way to gauge how well he’s doing at losing weight. He approaches hookers and asks them how much. He must be doing well at his diet because he’s gone from $250 a fuck to around $100. And yes, I’m dying to figure out what my Hooker Rating is. What can I say? I’m a loser.”