Foo Fighters Cover Arcade Fire
This is great Dave Grohl loves Arcade Fire too! Foo Fighters Cover Arcade Fire: “ Foo Fighters seem to be on a good will tour, aimed directly at our bloglines: naming songs ‘Cheer Up Boys (Your Make-Up Is Running),’ unleashing a killer first single, and now, this. The fighters of Foo swung by the BBC’s…
Shiny Happy Jihad
Remember how obsessed I was with Joe Rogan for awhile? Well he just released a new album, I have attached a track. It all reminds me why I got so hung up on it. He is still one of my favorite comedians. Download a Sample – I Was Raised Catholic, in Search of Noah’s Ark.mp3
Where are the updates?
Excuses..Excuses.. The new job is going REALLY well. Whenever anybody asks me about it I give basically the same response: “I don’t work very hard at all anymore, and they are paying me more money”. This prompts the popular reply: “well that is the American dream”. Another nice perk is that I also got my…
iPhone vs. Nokia E70
This guy probably has an iPhone, but this article should at least provide you 6 minutes of QUALITY entertainment, as it is the Best iPod article EVER!!!! –AFB
Read Daringfireball
I absolutely love reading John Gruber. He is constantly popping up more and more every where; Macworld, TWIT. It seems that everybody in the Mac community knows him or at least of him. His opinions are usually spot on with mine which makes his product reviews and hints/tip extremely useful to me. I though some…
My Weekend Has Begun
Well I had a very shitty week. Really for a whole lot of different reasons that I am not prepared to go into now. On Thurday I created a nice little PodCast with the FREE GCast service. Some readers may remember me experamenting with this services back in the YellowBlog days. Nothing I said was…
Farewell RAZR, it’s been real…..
As some of you know, my work decided to get me a Black Berry, and pay for my phone plan every month. Because of the incredible capabilities of this thing (most I will not find out about until I sit down with Yellowbeard and he shows me how to work this thing to its full…
StarCraft II is finally announced!!
The official website is live!! I can’t even remember how many hours & days of my life have been spent playing StarCraft. It is really hands down my favorite video game of all time. I couln’t find a release date posted, but will be sure to keep an eye out for one. Whenever it is…
Pidgin – FREE Multi-Protocal Instant Messaging on PC
Finally a PC IM client comparable to Adium my multi-protocal Mac only client. I have been recomending Trillion as a PC counterpart, but no body has been very happy with it. Hopefully the all have better luck with this one. Is looks very promising. With the all the buzz the website appears to be down…
Reach Out And Liquor Up Someone
An interesting idea, although I would NEVER think of buying my friends a round if I am not actually present while they enjoy it. There is also the question of when I will get paid back? Reach Out And Liquor Up Someone: “ The aptly named new web service, BuyYourFriendaDrink.com, allows users to do just…