I absolutely love reading John Gruber. He is constantly popping up more and more every where; Macworld, TWIT. It seems that everybody in the Mac community knows him or at least of him. His opinions are usually spot on with mine which makes his product reviews and hints/tip extremely useful to me.
I though some of the hjays readers might find this interesting due to the fact that I helped to set up more than one of your WiFi networks. Remember when you though the names that I used were strange?
Selected Wi-Fi Network Names My iPhone Discovered While I Walked to the Grocery Store Yesterday: “
I’m thinking SnazzyPants and Tuckerpoo should get to know each other.
(Via Daring Fireball.)
One response to “Read Daringfireball”
Those are good, but nothing like when I had my computer on while on the way to a sales call in Indianapolis. We were driving through a neighborhood, and I decided to do a Network search while in the car… I received about 12 networks, and at the top of the list with the best strength was “BUTT SEX”. Unfortunately, the dude I was with would NOT let me go door to door and infiltrate this persons p0rn collection.