The Music Slut: Norah Jones Covers The Arcade Fire
Well since I posted the Foo Fighter Arcade Fire cover about a month ago I might as well post this Norah Jones (download from YouSendIt one as well. Or at least a link to it. I have been into the Arcade Fire for awhile now and the more I listen to their albums the more…
Saturday Morning Media Post
Saturday morning and I am moving through my news feeds as well as trying to fix Ron Burgundy. Got a lot to do today so I want to quickly throw up a media post. When I got my haircut 2 weeks ago I picked up a copy of SPIN magazine only long enough to read…
Photo Index Update
I am happy to report that I just finished updateing the photo index with 4 new entries. The lack of updates is due to all of the recent (pictured) events that I took part in. Now that the summer is finally over, and goddamit it was a busy one, I look forward to getting cought…
links for 2007 8-12 through 09-07
TiVoDecode Manager I am going to have to get something like this to work for me. With all that NBC iTunes BS I want to find out a good way to RIP off those greedy fuckers at NBC. (tags: apple Applescript appleTV CheckOut free hacks imported mac macintosh MacOSX opensource software television TiVo tools utilities…
British dwarf’s penis gets stuck to hoover – Yahoo! News
Thanks IRS for the link to this wonderfully funny article. My condolences to Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf I hope your penis is OK. British dwarf’s penis gets stuck to hoover – Yahoo! News: “” email the IRS here to congradulate him on his upcoming marriage to uDaMan and encourage him to send me more…
Foo Fighters Cover Arcade Fire
This is great Dave Grohl loves Arcade Fire too! Foo Fighters Cover Arcade Fire: “ Foo Fighters seem to be on a good will tour, aimed directly at our bloglines: naming songs ‘Cheer Up Boys (Your Make-Up Is Running),’ unleashing a killer first single, and now, this. The fighters of Foo swung by the BBC’s…
Tell Me The True Nature Of My Reality
Yellowbeard email alert I have been using Thunderbird as my main email client for about 6 months now. One of the cool things that it lets you do is use any alert sound you want. So anything I can turn into a .wav file works. The link above contains my latest email alert sound. It…
Shiny Happy Jihad
Remember how obsessed I was with Joe Rogan for awhile? Well he just released a new album, I have attached a track. It all reminds me why I got so hung up on it. He is still one of my favorite comedians. Download a Sample – I Was Raised Catholic, in Search of Noah’s Ark.mp3
Give It To Me Good
Does anyone else out their actually remember Trixter? Well I sure do! Back in 1990 I thought they were the greatest band ever, for about 10 minutes. This mornign while I listened to their breakout hit Give It To Me Good (Download) images from the video flew through my head. I can’t believe that stiff…
Where are the updates?
Excuses..Excuses.. The new job is going REALLY well. Whenever anybody asks me about it I give basically the same response: “I don’t work very hard at all anymore, and they are paying me more money”. This prompts the popular reply: “well that is the American dream”. Another nice perk is that I also got my…