The Wii Dildo App
I have had this on my “things to blog about” folder for some time now. Guess I always thought I would figure out how it works and write a much more interesting post than this. Like so many other things I just never got around to it. You can see a screen shot of the…
TPIR vs. Sas
So I spent most of the day looking at “The Price is Right” low-lights on Youtube, and I happened upon this one.. This is important because I believe I have finally unlocked the source behind Sas’s hatred. You see, because of his work and parental obligations, he rarely gets out of the house and is…
Going Back To Philly
One good reason that I haven’t canceled my cable TV yet.
Home Depot ad based on a true story.
My father emailed me this video yesterday. He stated that the ad was in fact based on a true story. Little did he know that this actually happened to our very own AFB. Of course I was not aware that the story had been sold to an ad agency. It just shows how short sited…
30th Birthday Wine
So I got ANOTHER 30th birthday party to go to tonight. It is a double party for two of my friends. Some of us came up with a rather cleaver gift. I used my superb design skills to lay out the labels for this cheap ass wine. The prints turned out surprisingly well on my…
Remake of The Thing with GI Joe
This is just very very cool. I have to get my hands on a copy of The Thing. It has always been one of my favorite horror movies. I never would have even thought it would be possible to make a movie with G.I. Joe’s, and it looks so damn good!!
Curve ALIVE!!!
Here is the first successful picture taken with my new Curve! Amazing to get a phone at work that is actually useful! And who better to take it of but the most photogenic person in the world! –AFB
I truly hope this is a bit…. this makes me glad I do not have a vagina –AFB
What The Fuck is Groove Metal?
And why the fuck is MPFreaker tagging my Pantera CD as Groove fucking Metal. I can think of a hell of a lot of better ways to classify Pantera!!