Banana Cream Pie
Everyone seems to like the BCP I made so maybe this will be my contribution to the 2 yearly pot-lucks I have?? One is work related & the other is of course the Annual Super Bowl Party at AFB’s. Last year I used the Ham Bake thing that was such a big success. Maybe I…
Air Force One
Get it cuz out President is black….hahahahahh. It does make me want to finally see Soul Plane though. Thanks for the email Fwd. Dad’s was only slightly better than BroBum’s:
People Send Me emails Sometimes
Some email I get of course are better than others. The majority of the time the ones I get from Dad suck. He has had a few gems that I will end up posting, but without discrimination they do ALL end up here. This week has been another busy week for me so I am…
Who Will Play Wonder Woman
Ok this site is a hoax. Really though whoever they do eventually pick will just not seem quite right now that I have seen this.
Friday Night Surfin’ Leads To Learnen’
Well not really learning anything useful. Just finding out how unplugged from what is considered “main stream pop entertainment” these days I really am. Generally, I am probably not missing much, but I did learn from this. Which lead me to this.
Twitter & The Election
I do love me some Twitter. Shelly might be more active now that she has gotten herself an iPhone. Which might actually lead to her sister understanding something about this inter web thing that everyone is using. You could even try following rossCOOo he is the first person that I know who got an iPhone…
A Radmacher Approved Purchase
Coupon Link I just went and picked up my Digital Converter Boxes at WalMart. After the coupons these were only $10 per box. Everyone says that even if you don’t need them they do improve reception (I plan on testing this later today). Also someone you know might need them & might not be as…
Yes, Apparently This Guy Is For Real
This image made me laugh out loud. Source: Releaselog.net OK someone has just emailed me one that might top it. You be the judge:
Apple to Sell iPhone at $99?
Could this be true?? AFB asks me on a daily basis why I don’t have an iPhone yet. I keep telling him that it is too expensive. That combined with the fact that I am a loyal AT&T customer already with a contract that doesn’t allow me to upgrade until August, I have been able…