It’s Hypnotic
I mean wow what can you say about that? Link to Video on YouTube
Netflix to Wii and iPhone
And according to Afterdawn.com, which quotes unnamed executives familiar with the situation, the Nintendo Wii and Apple’s iPhone platform are next on the list. The Wii is a fairly obvious choice as Nintendo has been pushing streaming or downloadable content since the console launched a year and a half ago. This is very good news…
The Beatles Rock Band Addition
Wow the opening cinematic is really impressive.
My Creative Process
…and I use that term loosely. Wake up in the morning and need something to blog. Grab the iPhone off the nightstand and start flicking through my news feeds via the NetNewsWire mobile app. This is one of my favorite things about the iPhone. I no longer have to make it to my desk for…
No iTunes for the Pre
Twitters from 7/16 backwards cron. like twitter does #bradleyjwilson@afb You can still drag and drop manually, but yeah the new iTunes doesn’t let Pres sync. And Apple is WAY more CULT-like then M$.about 8 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to afb #afb Sprint guys informed me Apple blocking iTunes from Pre uses. Now I…
I have now seen turtle dick
I did not laugh when I watched this video. Actually it made me a little sad. You can see that he is erect and ready for action. However, I don’t believe that his loud cries are from the pleasure of each stroke, but rather the disappointment. He is trying SO very hard to get sexual…
Where did it go
Well, I am sorry to say that “BeeDubs Media Corner” seems to have moved itself to 140 characters only. If you head over and follow @bradleyjwilson on Twitter you will get his movie/tv and often fishing reports sent right to your mobile phone. Trust me it is often “EPIC”. You will also receive some twit…
You know because you need to be sure you look right when you are doing it for real. from Library Vixen
Funny Story Actually
I switched to Safari 4 at work and have now started using it at home. At home was ONLY because FF stopped loading uTorrents WebUI which Safari does just fine. Now if only I could get del.icio.us integration, a quality ad blocker, and change the switch tab keystroke to the cmd+opt+arrow that I am used…