Set your TiVo
The last 4 episodes of Arrested Development are airing tomorrow night on FOX from 7-9pm. This could be the last new episodes ever of one of the best shows on TV. Now I realize that FOX has not promoted this at all and most of you have no clue or don’t give a shit. That…
Taking RSS Mainstream
This is a great article. In my opinion RSS feeds are already easy as hell to use, but I have been having trouble tunring people onto them. It really has changed the way that I use the internet. Taking RSS Mainstream: ” Several recent posts from the likes of Fred Wilson, Dave Winer, and Dion…
Super Bowl XL
Hello All, It is Super Bowl time, once again.. And if you are receiving this email, you are cordially invited to A.F.B.’s House on Sunday for the festivities which are, but not limited too: Tackle Football Game Feed bag Super Bowl Game Annual 3-Ball Tourney Anything else we can think of Metzler will be buying…
First goatsee
I have been very eager to get on this Flickr group ever since I first found it a month ago. Finally today I made my first and second post. I am very excited about this and will hopefully be making more in the very near future.
Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not
The Arctic Monkeys debut album is awesome, download it here and listen to it now. I have no idea why I queued this up in the first place, but it looks like one of those fortunate accidents.
afterbirth-Day post
It was AFB’s birthday on Saturday. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the festivities. So to make up for it I decided to try and solicit him some ass on the internet. Not that he needs the help I mean look at the guy. Don’t let his date rape smile fool you. To the best…
Learning new tricks
When it is slow at work, like it is today, I like to learn new tricks. Today (so far) I learned how to Podcast. If you don’t know what a Podcast is by now you should be kicked off the internet. My first one can be found here: http://www.michael.macosx.com/podcast/podcast.xml
Leave a fucking comment
If you take the time to read any of this shit, please leave a comment. I have registered the blog with stat counter and I have scored an amazing 17 unique hits in the past week. That’s 10 first timers & 7 return visitors. That’s right I am watching you!! Now I am sure that…
John Doe is Back
I was very happy to see that the SciFi Channel will be re-airing the one and only season of John Doe. It first aired in 2002 before Firefly and both shows are examples of a fine series canceled by FOX. Goddamit I am going to miss Arrested Development so much! Although in the end by…