My Weekend Has Begun
Well I had a very shitty week. Really for a whole lot of different reasons that I am not prepared to go into now. On Thurday I created a nice little PodCast with the FREE GCast service. Some readers may remember me experamenting with this services back in the YellowBlog days. Nothing I said was…
Combined links for 2007-06-07 & 09
NetNewsWire 3.0 My favorite news reader has been updated. (tags: action aggregator blog apple blogging feedreader feeds mac macintosh MacOSX NetNewsWire News osx productivity Ranchero Review software syndication tools Web2.0) Compiler – Wired Blogs – Using Filters To Get More Out Of GMail Some excelent tips to get more out of your gmail account. (tags:…
The G-Man’s Porno Corner
Some people might call my uncle a dirty pervert, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He just appreciates tasteful, artistic pictures of naked women placed into PowerPoint pressentations. You can download the latest one that I found its way to my inbox below. Download 5.4 MB If this is a big enough sucess…
Not Just Another Link Post
Seriously I have already sent out 6 of these and I just discovered them last night. If you didn’t get one I am sorry, but rest assured yours is probably comming. Below are a few of my favorites. Don’t stop there. Apparently the options are as endless as the updates which will continute until “the…
Snowboarding Video from my Brother
He just emailed this to me last night. Why the fuck can’t I get him to pull up his fuckng pants? These actuall get quite a few hits on YouTube. They are on par with the IRS kicking the pop machine, but not even close to the Sasquatch’s Shake that Ass Bitch Video. That one…
uDaMan Graduates From High School 2003
This is one of my favorite pics from 2003 of me and my siblings at uDaMan’s Graduation. *my HD is staring to get full again and I am trimming some of the fat from my 8.8 GB photo library. This might also be the 1st in what would become a long line of picture taken…
links for 2007-06-02
Rock the Bells Tour Dates: Rage Against The Machine to Rock the Bells >> liveDaily That is correct I read it 2x. RATM reunited!! (tags: rageagainstthemachine RATM music reunion tour show rock zack morello) DailyPOA » Blog Archive » Amy Reid in Pink Mesh and a Bikini Amy Reid is really fucking hot + she…
Finding Hot Chicks on Flickr
Why bother going through tags and account to find the best hot chicks on Flickr when it is much easier to just fins other perverts and check out their favorites. This is really easy for me to do because I am notified everytime anone out there adds my most popular photo as a favorite. #…
Not Just Another Link Post
This is a REALLY exciting announcement. Originally I was thinking that the Apple TV has way to much missing to be usefull enough for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of disposable income. Then they announced the ability to sit on your couch & watch YouTube videos on your TV. This changes everything. Add that…
ATM 4 Fuj
The quote from this films descriptions couldn’t be more true: “Ask any girl and she’s sure to tell you ‘There’s nothing more romantic than Ass-To-Mouth.” This post is dedicated to my friend Fuj. Since I tought him this term he has been trying to search out this special kind of true romance. Good luck buddy…