uDaMan Graduates From High School 2003

This is one of my favorite pics from 2003 of me and my siblings at uDaMan’s Graduation. *my HD is staring to get full again and I am trimming some of the fat from my 8.8 GB photo library. This might also be the 1st in what would become a long line of picture taken with my camera of people giving the finger.
uDaMan Graduates From High School

That will be photo number 199 on my Eight Can Dump Soup FREE Flickr account. Below is picture number 4. This one has been up for a long time with an accomanying post on my original blog. Sadly no body ever believed thta dumb soup was actually good. The name had a lot to do with that.

2 responses to “uDaMan Graduates From High School 2003”

  1. This is my favorite all time pic of you sister. The only thing that would have made that pic any better is if you took out your bro and put in an azn.


  2. Holy shit dude the funny thing is that an AZN was actually taking the photo!! I caught her in another pic that night but it wasn’t a really good pic and didn’t make the cut of the stuff I keep on my hard drive. Personally I don’t think it is worth my time to dig it out of the archives right now as proof, so you will have to take my word for it.

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