Based on One of my first ass sex experiences in 1999. True Story
There we sat, Rachel
with friends and slightly drunk
around a bonfire at edgefest
I was observing your trunk
I remembered you saying
“No way, my butts too tight”
when I brought up ass sex for the first time
That cool fall night
“Come on”, I said
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt”…
as you looked at me angrily
“You don’t even have to take off the skirt”
But this time was different
you were getting drunk as hell
I talked you into the shelter
and that is where your clothes quickly fell
Your back arched in position
ass raised so high in the air
“I just fucked Rachel in the ass”
to my friends I was ready to declare
I couldn’t believe it was finally happening
to heaven is where I thought I would be sent
If only when I had pulled out
you wouldn’t have shit in my buddies tent