Is it inappropriate for me to do an ass sex / porn post immediately following my mother’s recipe for sweet ‘n sour pork?
Personally I am going to say no because it is exactly how scattered and off topic this blog really is. In a way it is kind of how my mind works. I could be sitting down to a well prepared family dinner after church. The conversation could be about this Sunday’s sermon or the success / lack there of our local sports team. Yet there is no telling where my mind is actually at?
Like now for example as I write this, I am thinking that I might have peed myself a little? No maybe I didn’t properly shake after my last bathroom break?
One response to “*note to Scattered readers”
As the official/unofficial watchdog of your website, I must say that this is not unappropriate in the least, and this is your best bet to get more readership to your site. That being said, if your mother was a regular contributor, there might be a little room for criticism, as that would be a complete disrespect to your mother by taking attention away from her delicious Sweet n’ Sour Pork recipe, with an add for scrumptious anal porn. Keep up the good work.