It is really difficult for me to write this particular post today. As some of you know, this is going to be my first post on the official website. It should have been an ode to someone special, or maybe a post regarding a happy time in my life that I would be expressing to the rest of the world in the form of a post. Unfortunately, I am going to write about the Fucking Saints, and there inability to hold on the the god damn football, letting the Bears move onto the Super Bowl. To be honest with you, I really am not that concerned with what the Saints did for the region. Is this because I am a heartless bastard… NO. It is because I am so sick of hearing about it every time that team took the filed, that it has desensitized me, and I can no longer shed a tear when I see a HUGE black woman touring her flood ravaged house. (Keep in mind, I am NOT racist, I am merely pointing out the fact that when the news decides to tour the New Orleans, they always seem to choose the BIG black woman as a tour guide… Apparently Goerge W. AND Katrina hate black people, because no whiteys were effected by this storm).
The real reason that I am so pissed off, is because those bastards were suppose to get me a $1250 payday in Vegas. You see, April 29th, 2006, we were in Las Vegas on a weekend trip. This just happened to fall on the NFL Draft weekend, and we found ourselves in the Imperial Palace Sportbook, watching who the Vikings would select and regret years later… Well, after the second draft pick was turned in, and it was made apparent that the Saints had selected Reggie Bush, I decided to walk over to the NFL Super Bowl odds, and see what the odd makers felt for the Saints. Well, it just so happened that the Saints were the biggest longshot of them all, at 125:1. As I usually do, I decided to put $10 on those clowns, as lets face it, $10 is nothing in Vegas when you are blowing all of your savings on LET IT RIDE anyways.. Well, to make a long story short, the Saints blew their chances of making me some fast cash last Sunday in Chicago, and from this point on, I am no longer routing for those ass clowns. I will however be routing for the Colts and Peyton Manning to thrash those bastards from Chicago, and must find a way to get that $1250 back, as I have already spent it..