Month: October 2005

  • Revised 12-10-06 (I have a domain & you are on it)

    Due to my recent problems (2 months ago) with my email address, I have decided that it is time to purchase my own domain name. What is a domain name, well here is an example that should clear up that: or Pretty simple huh and they only cost like $9 for 5 years.…

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    uDaMan sometimes notDaMan So uDaMan just broke up with her boyfriend sCurtis, and she has been complaining about what an asshole he is/was whatever. On thursday I was just going to watch some TV & go to bed sober, but uDaMan wanted to come over and get shitfaced. So that is what we did and…

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    I haven’t posted in awhile, but I just had to with this one. You have to admit this is pretty damn funny.