HJAYS Nickname Post #1: “1Vag”
Because of continued confusion as to who the hell Yellowbeard and I are talking about half the time, we have decided to start a string of Nickname Posts, hopefully clearing up confusion as to their roots and/or objectives. I believe we are going to try to go in reverse order from Newest to Oldest REALNAME:…
When you see a torrent titled 2008 Beautiful Asian Girl Photos and you have an AZN obsessed friend like AFB well you naturally grab it for him. After it came down the pipe I have to say that I was more than a little disappointed. Never before have I see pictures of AZN chicks that…
Nice Pants Wanna Fuck?
Got some time to kill before work, so why not upload one of the pictures from the picsforblog folder on my desktop. This one caught my eye cuz she has REALLY nice pants on. Fuck it is cold here!! I don’t wanna go outside or even to work at all today. Why the hell can’t…
Valentines Diamante: by AFB
Betsy Big Boobs Kissing, sucking, f*cking Hoochie, bitch, white trash Pissed, Yelling, Screaming Loves anal Rachel
Valentines Kyrielle: by AFB
You came in with your sexy ass friend In this basement that wasn’t a trend Nice work finding these chics Jeff I wish I hadn’t met you Stef I saw you again at Cory’s by the pool Right before he chowed your box, I was such a fool Your screams of joy, I prayed I…
Valentines Limerick: by AFB
I once dated a woman from the former USSR Who for the life of her couldn’t drive a car But she was dynamite in bed Don’t get me started on the head She was Jewish so Sasquatch and J1 stayed afar
Valentines Cinquain: by AFB
Vugly Scary, hairy Please trim that thing up soon Thoughts of you keep me up at night Vugly
Valentines Sonnet: by AFB
I sit here waiting You’re no where to be found Once again masturbating With no Vag’s or Butts around You said you were going to meet me For all the hell I have been raising But you didn’t know you were going to be My first lovely asian Not a call, text, or email On…
This Image Speaks For Itself
Just a GOOD pic
and why not it took no effort to post and this is the kind of shit that the Sasquatch really likes to see. ohh i should site my source on this one cuz I subscribed to this feed months ago, great site for pics of HOT CHICKS.