links for 2007-02-22
Kstp.com Don’t watch your porn to loud or you might be attacked by a sword wielding maniac. (tags: sword porn news funny true story)
Playin’ Beer Pong
I got an opportunity to play some beer pong last Saturday. It was only the second time ever that I got to play. Based on the fun we had doing it and our drive to compete with each other in shit, it won’t be the last. The video is below and here is a link…
Back When I Believed
Or at least when I might have stilled feared the wrath. Yes I am a confirmed christian. My father just sent me this picture today taken of me in 1993 on the day of my confirmation. For those of you who don’t know confirmation is 1 of the 7 sacraments of the catholic church. The…
links for 2007-02-19
GorillaMask.net Video: The Office + James Bond Is there really any doubt that Schrute is the best part of the show. Now that is saying a lot considering the entire show is so awesome. (tags: Office tv tv-shows Schrute Dwight funny 007 bond video)
uDaMan from 8-22-06 & never posted
OK so I am at uDaMan’s she decided she wanted to cook me dinner tonight while I drank her beer. I am taking the opportunity to do a little housecleaning on her iBook. Well I just happened to come by this WIP in her drafts folder. It is pretty old and reads like she was…
links for 2007-02-17
Uber – Classic WWF Interviews Funny I was just talking about this with someone. (tags: WWF interview funny internet video junk youtube) bill-ward-hair-pulled-blowjob.jpg (JPEG Image, 320×623 pixels) XXX comic, i love this shit (tags: comics XXX whore fuck titties dick blowjob) Missed Connections: The Flying Pig Yes I read PIC a lot, mostly for DeGraff.…
DVD Review: “Assraelis”
What is this about? Well it’s all in the title Assraelies = Israeli girls getting fucked in the ass! Who keeps coming up with these awesome titles? DVD Review: Assraelis
Ass Fuck Song
This is hands down the best song about ass sex song that I have ever herd. If anyone would like to recommend another one to me I would gladly give it a listen. There just aren’t enough songs out there about ass sex. Static X – Love Dump
I did a really good job at work last Friday so a client brought me beer. Oh ya and she was a hot client as well. This turned out to be some really goddamn good beer. I am afraid how much I will have to pay to get enough of it to get myself fucked…
links for 2007-02-11
I Park Like An Idiot – You suck at parking! Let the world know it! What an excelent idea! (tags: 2006 auto automotive business cars cool culture design funny stickers parking)