No not YouTube, Hulu I love Hulu now it is time for a change. OK that was a bad joke/ You have to love what the people at Hulu are doing now!! It is such a smooth interface and the video quality is freakin’ awesome. Networks offering their content up for FREE? This has been my only source for SNL this season. Mostly because KARE 11 comes in like shit over my antenna compared to every other channel.
Oh and officially supports B.O.B. for president and if anyone wants to say anything to the contrary feel free to leave a comment……but we know you won’t.
**addendum-OK yes, HULU makes you watch an ad. Come on let’s be real here people nothing is FREE these days and quality products and services deserve to earn some revenue. This one merely forces you to watch a short ad before your video. Is that really so bad?
What really sparked this addendum to my post not 1 min after I posted and went to the site to view my post and my real now long winded bitch and run on sentence & ya i tagged this fucking post with RANT…..eeeehhhhhhh breath. Is goddamit I chose the size of the fucking column width based on the size of YouTube vids so that I could embed them & they would fit. Well I had to replace the original embedded HULU vid with the fucking link above because it exceeds that column width. OK I realize that everything now is wide screen, and part of them delivering quality video is catering to that new standard. Problem is, well is there really a problem? Embedding video causes pages to load slower. Is it really more trouble for my users to click on links, excuse me cmd/ctr+click to open in new tab? Then they can continue to read my rants while the video loads! (cmd/ctr+c & cmd/ctr+v) and if anyone wants to say anything to the contrary feel free to leave a comment……but we know you won’t.
**addendum2-If you fucks out there don’t realize yet that the COMMAND KEY is actually what the ignorant call the APPLE KEY you are officially kicked out of the club. Windows users you are on your own because most of you will NEVER realize that there is a better way to do things.