I Drink BEER

So I was at the liquor store last night as I often am on Thursdays. Was planning on getting some more Linies Creamy Dark and for the second time in a row they had none. So as per BroBum’s recommendation I decided to try a Murphy’s.

Now I read (from the wikipedia link also above) that I am supposed to drink this stuff at room temperature. I considered this possibility then decided that I enjoy cold beer way to damn much. Problem was I want to drink the shit right the fuck now dammit. Then I remember something I read early this week HOW TO GET BEER COLD FAST. Or something like that, I don’t even remember where I was linked in form?? What I do when something like this crosses my screen that I might be interested in later I send it to tumblr. It worked great and I was drinking within 5 min.

To wrap things up because I am about to start the 5 hr + trip into WI. The beer was tasty, but not strong enough ease my frustrations of being unable to tie a fucking neck tie. In the end the necktie thing destroyed the experience and to be fair I will have to purchase another $1.60 can at a later date to give it another try.


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