So I decided to start a tumblog. Apparently there are different sizes of blogs; mini, small, regular. This blog hjays would be considered a regular sized blog. Mini’s are like twitter. A small would be tumblr. Now there are many other options out there that fit into these catagories and if I was a better source for info I would link them and give a much much better explination. Fact of the matter is that this post is not really meant to educate, but more to get people to visit my TUMBLRLOG (link). Which ironically just tells people to visit my main blog here.
Thing is this offeres me an opportunity to post quick stupid photos from my phone without filling up my Flickr account. That 200 photo limit really fucking sucks. Still check it out cuz every stupid picture that comes out of my phone automattically gets bcc’ed to the tumblog.
One response to “Tumblr”
[…] have written posts on Tumblr before. As well as linked to MY tumble log. This Wired article does a much better job of explaining things […]