My picture policy here at hjays is pretty simple IF I AM ALLOWED TO PHOTOGRAPH IS I AM ALLOWED TO POST IT. Maybe I haven’t officially posted the policy here, but I have certainly told enough people while photographing them. This goes without saying for the strangers I am able to snap pics of. Since the majority of hjay readers personally know the people in the pics and or their nicknames I feel it is important to remind subjects of this. I unfortunately HAVE been forced to pull certain posts that would offend some & alienate others. This past week I was forced to make another exception to this rule in regards to the pictures. The photo libs can be seen in their entirety here via the photo index(*), but since J&J didn’t think that everyone in their families were quite ready to experience in all of it’s splendor I was required to post a separate index of only the wedding pics on a separate URL. After I forwarded the new link I was asked once again to remove 2 of the photos. I just wanted to share my work here since I think it was particularly creative.
(*)this pic was not included in the index because of AFB inability to upload the photos. Strange how he neglected to send his favorite one.