Bill Maher: What Makes NFL Football So Great: Socialism.

Caution Sasquatch don’t read this is directly offensive to you: link.

But oh so funny.


One response to “Bill Maher: What Makes NFL Football So Great: Socialism.”

  1. This was a comment that someone left to Mr. Maher, I thought it was mint.
    Actually, football is capitalism at its finest. Let me explain. The NFL is a large “for profit” company.
    The various NFL “clubs” are like subsidiari­es of the company. In order to compete and profit as a company, the NFL knows it needs to encourage competitio­n among the subsidiari­es (the clubs). To encourage competitio­n and, hence, grow the parent company and subsidiari­es, the NFL has decided to institute a pay system that helps all of it’s various subsidiari­es compete in the marketplac­e. They have been successful by knocking off its competitor – Baseball- as America’s past-time. Socialism, on the other hand, would have been show in this example if the NFL as a competing “for profit” company, were required to share it’s “evil profits” EXTERNALLY with the NBA or baseball owners (or the government­). If you know business structure, the NFL does the same that most large, for profit American-d­riven capitalist businesses do – – ensure that they knock off the competitio­n by growing their brand through the funding of the various subsidiari­es that it owns.

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