TweetDeck Rant Review

Ok so here is the thing with me and TweetDeck my twitter app of choice and my love/hate relationship with it.

It is the clunkiest ugliest twitter app I have ever used on the iPhone. It crashes constantly! Now I don’t know about you, but my iPhone apps hardly ever crash. I use that update button in the lower left ever CRASH! I view a picture link for any twat that is more than 1hr old CRASH. Breath on it wrong fucking CRASH! The UI is over crowded and ugly as shit. Can’t tell you how many fucking times I have been twating then decided it was actually clean enough to post to Facebook as well. Then I got to hit the to FB button that is WAY to close to the cancel button and FUCK. Fat fingers little phone I delete my cleverly drafted twat.

Now to the love. Groups oh fucking groups! Seriously, I don’t know how people use Twitter without them. Who can really view all the people’s twats who they follow as one giant timeline? It is bullshit and I can never wrap my brain around it. What TweetDeck allows me to do is create groups of people I follow into separate columns. Check out this screenshot of my desktop version which syncs with my iPhone version(1). This is how I view my twats prioritized from left to right:
1. People I know, some but not all of these are also set to SMS me.
2. People I don’t know, but am interested in reading the shit they say.
3/4. Mentions, direct messages, interchangeable & no explanation necessary.
5. Stores or lists of shit on sale that I might want to buy.
6. EZTV & NetFlix streaming new movie/TV releases.
7. Yeah it does fucking Facebook too.

That is it in a nutshell. Those groups make it worth the other bullshit that I have to put up with. I think it is important to point out that I only use it to read Twats. I actually prefer a combination of TextExpander Touch and the official Twitter App for posting. Then for long form reading I email a lot of stuff to myself or post to Instapaper.

1 Yes, I prefer apps that sync with my desktop. You would think I would mention this as another reason to use TweedDeck, but unfortunately the feature barely works.


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