I have plugged my tumblr account here before, but I don’t think anyone really checks it. It has become kind of a dumping ground for email forwards, links, cell phone pics, and my del.icio.us bookmarks. This morning I got around to trying out the new Beta version of MarsEdit that FINALLY supports posing to tumblr. Since I got buy so long without it I have learned to rely on email to post to tumblr which works very well. There is a contact on my Treo so I can just email pictures from my cell phone and they are posted instantly. It is fun to go back and check this stuff out later because since posting is so seamless I often forget what I have posted. Such as COED Magazines wonderful tribute to Booty-Shorts.
Another good use that I have found for tumblr is that I have a friend who sends A LOT of email forwards. Most of this is content that I would rather consume with my RSS feeds when I have time instead of having it clog up the “Later” folder on in my email. So I set up a tumblr account unbeknownst to the sender. When their email forwards come in I simply forward them to the appropriate accounts “post to tumblr” email address and delete the message from my email. Then there it is the next time I open up NetNews Wire to read my feeds. I would love to take this 1 step further & just automate the whole process, but I don’t want personal correspondences to be posted as well, so unfortunately it still requires a little human interaction.