Category: Food

  • Bon Jovi Drinks Semen

    In 4th grade a rumor spread that Jon Bon Jovi swallowed so much semen he had to go to the hospital and get his stomach pumped. To this day I think of that rumor every time Bon Jovi comes up. At age 9 I didn’t even know what semen was. Now porn has taught me…

  • Best Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe

    El Destrukto FCK told me about your quest for the perfect pancake. I did a little work into this myself and settled on the attached slightly altered Martha Stewart Recipe. What can I say that bitch can cook. The most important thing that I have found is that you cannot make a good pancake or…

  • Makin’ Porno Out of ANYTHING

    HAHAHAHAHAH I love this show & have seen every episode. It is funny that someone like me who sees the majority of things in porno never even considered this.

  • Next Year SuperBowl

    Maybe I should try and make this Sure it is a lot of werk, but with a HUGE payoff. What that payoff is I am not quite sure?? This thing is just fucking kewl. Would love to hear if this years booze jug, cake, & ham bake loaf was well received. I tried to ask…

  • Banana Cream Pie

    Everyone seems to like the BCP I made so maybe this will be my contribution to the 2 yearly pot-lucks I have?? One is work related & the other is of course the Annual Super Bowl Party at AFB’s. Last year I used the Ham Bake thing that was such a big success. Maybe I…

  • Now That’s A GOOD Sammich

    So good in fact that I just had to add the pickle and the BEER.


    Getting ready for the Annual Party at AFB’s. I do this by baking & throwing away old computers. You can expect more pictures after the event. Try to check my tumbler and twitter for real time updates.

  • Quitting Snuff: Good for mouth, Bad for bowel

    As some of you know, I have always told myself that I would quit Snuff when I turned 30 years old… With the help of generic Walgreen’s Nicotine patches and a SHITLOAD of gum, so far so good… As much as I am feeling the benefits orally, apparently my body was more reliant on Toxins…

  • Good Morning Omelet

    Always had trouble pulling off the omelet. Teflon pan, that is the key like I was always told. Also I finally started playing with the Quicksilver Image Scale Feature this thing works REALLY slick. You can now look forward to a lot more photo posts here thanks to this.

  • bagel to go

    bagel to go Originally uploaded by pwka This is the best use for all those empty CDR cases I have ever seen.