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    You really had to be there… pic.twitter.com/stdfuJmBVp — John Siracusa (@siracusa) March 24, 2021 from http://twitter.com/siracusa via IFTTT

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    more comics @ https://t.co/bLcTqRclTt pic.twitter.com/ZjdFUjUVuW — drewtoothpaste (@drewtoothpaste) March 24, 2021 from http://twitter.com/drewtoothpaste via IFTTT

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    Ugh I accidentally bought salted butter what am I even doing with my life — matt. (@biorhythmist) March 18, 2021 from http://twitter.com/biorhythmist via IFTTT

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    pic.twitter.com/jktm06qtmW — staid indoors (@staidindoors) March 2, 2021 from http://twitter.com/staidindoors via IFTTT

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    A REAL nut… Feels like every bone in your body comes out the head of your dick… Say no more. I'm done. Fall asleep in 2min. — ICE T (@FINALLEVEL) January 19, 2011 from http://twitter.com/FINALLEVEL via IFTTT

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    pic.twitter.com/B3ekIRKjWq — pants (@hierophantess) February 1, 2021 from http://twitter.com/hierophantess via IFTTT

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    Every time a politician says they're easing COVID restrictions for the economy I picture a sequel to @neilhimself's American Gods where The Economy is a besuited figure cloaked in shadow who demands human sacrifice to prevent recession, like Huitzilopochtli meets Gordon Gekko. — Daniel J. Willis (@BayAreaData) January 25, 2021 from http://twitter.com/BayAreaData via IFTTT

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    I would've paid so much money to get to be in the room for the conversation that I imagine went like: BIDEN: ok what's next STAFFER: setting up the Oval. Photos are all done. Do you want to keep the Diet Coke button? BIDEN: STAFFER: BIDEN: the what in god's name button https://t.co/cDhkmqzjr5 — Emmy…

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    pic.twitter.com/a2Gj4FZzYb — Tom Morello (@tmorello) December 30, 2020 from http://twitter.com/tmorello via IFTTT

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    I can finally cross this off my "to-do" list.#BetterLateThanNever pic.twitter.com/3rmfEiA3tv — Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) December 28, 2020 from http://twitter.com/HamillHimself via IFTTT