Hail to the King Baby!

When I start to talk about Bruce Campbell many of you out there will say who. Well after you check out his resume on imdb.com you should recognize him from somewhere. Weather it is his video game/cartoon voice over work or his appearances in numerous television programs or movies unless you have been living in a cave (or Wisconsin) you have experienced Bruce Campbell in on shape or form.

Spiderman 1-3 are perfect examples. He made a cameo appearance in all three of the films. This is due to his relationship with writer/director Sam Raimi. Campbell starred in Raimi’s first film 1981’s The Evil Dead. This is a classic low budget horror movie were both men got their start. It was made with almost no money and Raimi used his friends as opposed to paying actors. The success of this film spawned 2 sequels and there in the E.D. Trilogy is where my love for Bruce started.

Now onto the inspiration to this post. I just saw the new Old Spice ad on Spike TV. Most people might watch this and think it is kind of stupid. Well that is just not the case for me. I was immediately excited and am going out later today to buy some Old Spice just to show my support. So now that you have a little back story maybe you will stop to enjoy this ad instead of just FFing past it with your TiVo. It may also make you pay attention to an under-appreciated actor.


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