I actually got to work on some items on my To Do list today. One of them has been to check out WordPress for blog posting. So I signed up for a free account and started poking around. Using MarsEdit I was able to easily repost my most recent post here onto my new WordPress account. Finding it strange that my linked Flickr images fell out I started poking around the user forums. This is when I discovered that WordPress offers a free copy of it blogging shell that you can install and run on your own web host. This all moves me one giant step closer to consolidating everything into one website. Doing so will enable me to take the site to another level creating more learning opportunities for myself, ultimately more hits and god forbid maybe even a little revenue. I would probably have this up and running already if it weren’t for my shitty web host. My site is currently down so I have no way of testing this. Since I am very excited and currently motivated I will try and have something up by the end of the week.