It has only been about 4 days since the annual DarbJ draft party (not counting Sunday because some of us were still drinking until 3 or 4 in the am). Me being one of said people I was not sober for Sunday and did my official recovery on Monday. Don’t remember Tuesday and Wednesday but that is not out of the ordinary. So here I am finally getting around to this today.
Personally I think fantasy football is fucking lame (supporting comedic posts on PhatPhree #1 – #2). After this my first draft party. At least the first where I showed up for the actual draft, my opinion has not changed. I showed up for three reasons: 1) although I feel it is lame most of my friends attend and they seem to enjoy it which makes for a fun party, 2) FREE BEER!, 3) the interesting challenge of broadcasting the draft to Metzler the ManWh0re in TX. The real challenge here was coming up with a system that was idiot proof, or rather Metzler proof as was the more popular saying. CBS Sports Line provides its leagues with a draft board and labels which I had to broadcast. I used a FireWire digital camcorder and a handy little application called EvoCam. That came up with these surprisingly clear images.
The audio part provided me with an even simpler solution because it gave me the oportunity to finally try out Skype. For those of you who don’t know Skype to Skype calls are FREE. The only set back was the Metz didn’t have speakers or a micraphone on his old piece of shit computer. So what I did was purchased a SkypeIn number at $12 for 3 months. This allowed Metzler to call my computer from his cell phone. He could then hear the audeo through my micraphone and be herd via the attached speakers. The only trouble that we had was fucking Metzler was unable to get his hads free device to work and refused to hold the phone to his ear. In the end this made us communicate his pics to the group by IM, but to no fault of my own. Don’t believe me? I still own the number until November 26th feel free to give me a call: (612) 326-5179. In case I do not answer the next thing on my todo list today is to set up the voice mail. There has got to be a way for me to get the audio files from here and if they are interesting enough they will be posted here. Now since I paied no interest as to who was drafted when by who or WTF else they were going on about the whole time that is really all I have. I spent most of my time wil they were doing this sending emails, text, and IMs. Seriously I got so boarded at a point that I found myself downloading the GAYEST ALBUM COVER EVER: