Yankee Swap 2009 Complete

The party was basically a huge success as usual. I only have two complaints.

1. Of course I showed up with the “>ugliest sweater and won the contest. It felt GREAT to win, but someone stole my fucking prize!?!? Now I have evidence and still don’t know who actually did it, but I have a theory. The couple that I stole the gift from in the end were strangers to me. I believe that I met the dude before? At the time he had a different girlfriend whom wanted his babies, and was willing to fuck him with the door to their hotel room open. Clearly he made a bad decision in dumping her and her huge boobies. I forgive him due to his track record of bad judgement. He must have though that at any time he could just steal the gift back. Honest mistake right? Next year I will make sure to include detailed rules on the invite.

2. Other complaint was that I was unable to take the best gift at the party. This was, of course, Jägermeister and a fake tit! Unfortunately, I was unable to claim the tit along with the booze to make it more enjoyable, but as you can see from the video below I did get a chance to enjoy it.

2.1 Oh and motherfuckers need to send me their pictures for posting here for all to enjoy and shit. Yeah


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