Who Will Play Wonder Woman
Ok this site is a hoax. Really though whoever they do eventually pick will just not seem quite right now that I have seen this.
Friday Night Surfin’ Leads To Learnen’
Well not really learning anything useful. Just finding out how unplugged from what is considered “main stream pop entertainment” these days I really am. Generally, I am probably not missing much, but I did learn from this. Which lead me to this.
A Radmacher Approved Purchase
Coupon Link I just went and picked up my Digital Converter Boxes at WalMart. After the coupons these were only $10 per box. Everyone says that even if you don’t need them they do improve reception (I plan on testing this later today). Also someone you know might need them & might not be as…
Apple to Sell iPhone at $99?
Could this be true?? AFB asks me on a daily basis why I don’t have an iPhone yet. I keep telling him that it is too expensive. That combined with the fact that I am a loyal AT&T customer already with a contract that doesn’t allow me to upgrade until August, I have been able…
Why Don’t I Know this FOXY Jacky
Sure she spells her name a little differently, but look at what she will do in your public parks. It just doesn’t seem fair? In the spirit of the approaching 2008 Draft Day I think it is safe to say that we could trade all 3 regular Jackie’s for 1 FOXY Jacky and we would…
Erotic Photography Tumblr
Holy fuck you might like want to call it what it is PORN, and yes this is another quality link from Fleshbot. Just read their post cuz I am not going to rehash it here. I think this feed is fucking great and it is now my newest subscription. What can I do to bring…
What AFB Surfs For At Work
from: afb@hjays.com subject: FW: ,.,…… F’ING SWEET!. http://www.flickr.com/photos/krashkraft/ Sincerely, AFB Product Specialist
Ugly Vagina
OH GOOD GOD THAT IS ONE UGLY VAGINA Ya you don’t even have to click!! I will once again allow extremely ugly vaginas to grace (used loosely) my front page. Totally Crap is a fun website even though most of the time the videos play choppy for me?? They have a whole series of topless…
The Best George Carlin Obituary I Have Read
By Jerry Seinfeld (link)
The Infamous Semen Article
Here it is (link) Send it to every female you know. I read it three times trying to find a good exert to quote. This this was very hard because there were so many. This one kind of stuck out for me: “Only with regular occurrence will your chances be reduced, so I encourage all…