It’s Christmas Time
Happy New Year G. A dead pigs head makes a good ass Christmas tree. -Gansta Muthafuckin’ NIP Updated 10/7 Download the track here 5 MB.
This Just In From CO
There is an HJ (read hjay) BEER!! Now if BroBum was a really good brother he would send me a case instead of just a picture.
I Have Been Photoshoped
With WEED!!! and no I did not do it myself it just got emailed to me.
Me Being Topical and Happy
hahahahhaahh fucking shit this made my day. Not necessarily this picture, but just learning of the pregnancy. hahahahahahah **addition** to make this post more interesting, and it relates to the original subject.
Now That’s A GOOD Sammich
So good in fact that I just had to add the pickle and the BEER.
Picture Booth fun at The Fair
I don’t know this for a fact, but this might be the most “recognizable” people ever to fit into a photo booth at the State Fair. –AFB
What AFB Surfs For At Work
from: afb@hjays.com subject: FW: ,.,…… F’ING SWEET!. http://www.flickr.com/photos/krashkraft/ Sincerely, AFB Product Specialist
Ohhh ya now that is some good arts. Funny I twittered this earlier today, they seem to fit.
Healing Power of Jesus
FYI…. I tried to jump over my curb today and failed miserably…. Brobum would have been dissapointed. Well, I found this bandaid in the cubbard… Yep, it’s Jesus.. I am hoping that the combination of this and Neosporin is going to fixer up…. Sadly, I went to Subway, and when I came out I realized…
The Wii Dildo App
I have had this on my “things to blog about” folder for some time now. Guess I always thought I would figure out how it works and write a much more interesting post than this. Like so many other things I just never got around to it. You can see a screen shot of the…